Pots, Obelisks & Hanging Gardens

Set off your plants with style 

Whether you have a small balcony or a large garden, there is always room for pots or hanging baskets, arches or obelisks. They give height and accent and always compliment the plants.

We stock two main ranges of outdoor pots to suit a range of pockets; Apta and Yorkshire Flower Pots. Both are frost resistant and reliable. 

In addition to the ceramic pots, we also stock a great range of plastic and fibre pots that are more lightweight. Our basic range of plastic pots are those we use ourselves to grow our plants. Again the choice is large and some of the pot sizes are large too! Of course we also have a selection of indoor pots for those houseplants.

Obelisks not only support plants but are attractive in themselves (especially in the winter months!) You can choose from plastic coated metal, raw metal designed to weather and rust and faux raffia that maintains its colour and doesn't degrade. 

We have a good stock of hanging baskets from wire ones, to natural fibre to faux raffia, along with a range of liners to suit. With our great basket inserts, making a beautiful hanging basket has never been so easy.

Pots and Planters

Pots and Planters
Small or large, colourful or plain, plastic or terracotta, lightweight fibre or stone. Pots can suit every situation and every plant. We have a great selection of indoor and outdoor planters for every pocket.

Obelisks and Arches

Obelisks and Arches
Climbing plants need support so why not choose from our great range or attractive plant support to help your climber reach its full height. We stock arches, obelisks, stakes and trellis from the plain and utility to the pretty and decorative.

Hanging Gardens

Hanging Gardens
Why not let your plants hang down? We have loads of hanging baskets and seasonal, ready planted hanging baskets. Why not try our very successful hanging basket inserts and choose your own hanging basket to put it in - the easiest way to plant a basket. 
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